Bela Princess

My name is Bela! I arrived at Tails to Tell with my fellow kitty friend, Tyson. The two of us came in as surrenders from Olds, Alberta. It did not take me long to become the shelter’s resident Princess! When I arrived at the shelter, though, the volunteers noticed my neglected state with tons of horrible mats throughout my once beautiful white coat. Unfortunately, I was also very skinny and felt quite ill. Thanks to the quick work of Shelter Volunteers, my mats were completely shaved off, leaving me with a short but stylish new haircut. Although I missed my long hair, I was relieved to have the weight off my back; literally! Volunteers quickly began consulting with veterinarians to get to the bottom of my illnesses, but were unsuccessful. While in their care, I was completely confident that the Vets and Volunteers at the shelter had my comfort and care as their top priority.  Tails to Tell Volunteers spoiled me with endless love, support snuggles, and lots of salmon wet food (it was my favourite – yum!). Although my life before coming to the shelter was a tough one, I continued to have confidence and faith in the people who rescued me. At Tails to Tell, I got to live a comfortable and safe life among many trusted human and feline companions. Given my frail condition, I was unavailable for adoption but always ready for love.  I spent my final days in a loving foster home with people who loved me and eased my passing.  If you are interested in supporting special cats like me who get to spend their final days with Tails to Tell, please consider making a donation. 100% of all funds goes to the feeding and medical care of Beautiful Princesses like me and the Vet care and items the Shelter needs to make us as comfortable as possible.

  • Sex: Female
  • DOB: December 25, 2016
  • Intake: June 23, 2021
  • Crossed the Rainbow Bridge: September 8, 2021.
September 1st, 2021|Cat Stories, Special Needs|
Sassy Capulet - Adopted!

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