Betty White Birthday Donations!

UPDATED: Feb 1. The total is now over $7500!  Actress Betty White’s 100th Birthday on January 17th inspired the #BettyWhiteChallenge, which encouraged people around the world to make a donation to their local animal shelter as these organizations were close to her heart. Thanks to our generous community of generous supporters, Tails to Tell raised over $7,500 in the Betty White Challenge! This amount doesn’t include what people also donated to ATB Cares and Canada Helps for Tails to Tell Animal Rescue Shelter. Thank you so much!! Our cats, kittens and volunteers are so grateful for our wonderful supporters who continue to help us with our mission to rescue injured, homeless and abandoned cats and kittens. Every dollar donated goes directly into the food, litter and supplies needed by our kittens and cats. Thank you for your ongoing support which enables us to help over 400 felines and their humans each year!! For ways to donate, please visit:

January 23rd, 2022|Events, Fundraiser|
Shelter Operations 2022
March Luck of the Irish 50/50 Draw

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