Edna at Nose Creek Elementary School
May 26th was Fantastic Friday! And you wanna know why? The staff and students invited our founder Edna to their school for a presentation.
500 drawings of cats were submitted by the Nose Creek Elementary students and the winning pictures for each grade were framed and given to Edna to be put up at the shelter. And we have to admit – they are absolutely amazing!
The winning artists all received a cat stuffie.
We want to give a huge shout out to Vanessa Cormier (pictured), former student and T2T volunteer, who presented the students with a video tour of our little shelter and who has single handedly raised and donated over $6000 herself for our shelter. She shared all the different ways she did this from when she was a child to adulthood. 
And a special thank you to all the students for collecting their juice boxes and choosing Tails to Tell to donate to. They presented Edna with a cheque for $625…that’s a lot of juice!
Thank you so much to everyone at the Nose Creek Elementary School. Our residents are so very grateful for all your contributions.