
Tails To Tell is a collective of amazing people striving to build a better life for rescued or abandoned cats.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Tails to Tell Volunteer! We are very pleased to have an active and dedicated group of volunteers who are making a difference at the shelter every day – and we hope that you will become a part of our team!

Our Shelter is run entirely by volunteers! There are so many ways you can assist us with the cats and kittens. If you don’t see an area listed that interests you but have an idea – we are all ears.

To volunteer, please complete our application.

The application can be printed, completed and scanned/emailed to volunteer@tailstotell.ca or dropped off at the shelter.

Why Volunteer at Tails to Tell?

Giving your time and talent to a worthy cause is a satisfying experience. The cats and kittens are so grateful for the safe, clean and loving home we provide them as they wait for their furever home – you can be a part of changing cats’ and kittens’ lives. Volunteering involves teamwork and leadership – you will become part of a team of people dedicated to cats and kittens and each others’ wellbeing. Volunteering is an excellent way to support our mission and give back to the community. Interested in a career working with animals? Volunteering is an excellent way to gain practical experience.

Who Can volunteer?

We encourage people of all types to volunteer at our shelter! Due to the nature of some of the work required, we have some limitations and requirements depending on the position.

We consider adults to be 18 years of age or older. Adult volunteers, other than special needs adults, can volunteer at the shelter without supervision and can volunteer for any position available at the shelter.

Updated January 2023: Youth must be 14 years of age in order to volunteer with our shelter, and accompanied at all times by a responsible adult (parent, friend, current volunteer). A permission slip must be signed by a parent or guardian in order for youth to volunteer. Youth Volunteers can apply for most of the positions available.

Special needs volunteers are any persons of any age who’s physical or mental disabilities require them to be assisted by an adult. Special Needs Volunteers must be accompanied by an adult or guardian while volunteering.

We can discuss this on a case by case basis, so please email us at volunteer@tailstotell.ca.

Types of Volunteers

Animal Care volunteers

Level of commitment


Long-term volunteers who adhere to an ongoing schedule and come regularly to do various tasks.


Level of commitment


Post-secondary students who volunteer for a set period of time to gain practical experience within their field of study.

Animal Medical

Level of commitment


People who bring a background in animal medical care can help us to keep our Shelter and Foster cats and kittens in top health.

Special Event Volunteers

Level of commitment


Volunteers who work various seasonal exhibits and during special events. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to inquire about Volunteering for Special Events.

Group Volunteers

Level of commitment


Groups of people who come as a whole, representing any type of organization, to volunteer collectively either during special events or periodically on small projects (i.e., building a shed, painting the Shelter).

Handy People

Level of commitment


If you are a handy kind of guy or gal, there are always repairs and projects that need doing at the shelter. Scratch posts recovered, walls to be painted, rooms build, shelves hung, etc.. From time to time we need the assistance of a plumber or electrician; having a volunteer on our team with these talents and skills can help the shelter save hundreds of dollars that can instead be spent on the cats and kittens.

The Best Experience Ever