Meet Maggie

At Tails to Tell, we love sharing stories about adoptions of our cats and kittens into furever homes!  This little sweetie arrived at the Tails to Tell Shelter with her siblings after their mother got killed by a combine.  At the time the kittens were less than a week old and were in desperate need of human help in order to survive.  Within a week, this kitten came to our house as a foster, where she was bottle fed until she was old enough to be weaned.

Instantly Maggie stopped being in a foster situation and became a valued and loved member of our family. She is a little sister to Mia who is a year older.

Maggie is now just over a year old, is fully grown and helps fills this household with lots of love!!!!!!!

October 13th, 2021|Adoption Stories, Cat Stories|
Sweet Jelly Bean
Kathy Volunteer

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