New Year’s Eve 50/50 Draw

Tails to Tell held a very successful New Year’s Eve 50/50 Draw that helped us bring 2021 to a good close! All monies raised go directly into supporting our feline residents, with such things as our spay/neuter program, vaccination program and daily needs and care. Here is our founder and leader, Edna Jackson (left) presenting a big cheque for $6945 to our winner, Kate Innanen, our lucky winner of the NYE 2021 – 50/50 Draw!  Congratulations Kate!  We are grateful to Kate who also donated $500 to the Shelter to support the cats and kittens. She rocks!!  Thank you to everyone who purchased our tickets! We appreciate your support! Keep on the look out for our next 50/50 Draw!

January 3rd, 2022|Fundraiser|
Julius the Red
Shelter Operations 2022

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