
“When I was about a year and five months old, I arrived at Tails to Tell with my five kittens. The six of us were found in Strathmore and were brought to the Shelter in three rabbit hutches; myself and one of my kittens in one, two of my other kittens in another, and the last of my kittens in the third hutch. My kittens were quickly adopted into furever homes. I had very limited exposure to people at the time, but after a few months at the shelter I decided to embrace love and accept human contact. Now, I am known for being super friendly!  I love to greet new people and cats at the shelter; I’m very welcoming and will accept love from everyone and anyone (especially my BFF, Pipper!). When you first meet me you may notice my raspy, noisy breathing, that’s because I have been diagnosed with feline asthma that is being treated with inhalers; one taken in the morning, the other taken in the morning and in the evening. I’m also on mild medication that reduces inflammation, just in case my respiratory problems are causing any swelling. I currently live right here at the Tails to Tell shelter! I have been adopted a few times but I have not found my true, furever home. If you believe that your home could accomodate me and my needs, please call the shelter to arrange an appointment. I look forward to greeting you with love and many snuggles!”

  • Sex: Spayed Female

  • DOB: May 22, 2012

  • Original Intake Date: November 2013
  • Latest Intake Date: April 10, 2021
August 24th, 2021|Special Needs|
Tik and Tok
Bela Princess

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